The Global Network Resiliency Platform (#REG4COVID) is a place where ICT regulators, policy makers and other interested stakeholders can share information, view what initiatives and measures have been introduced around the world designed to help ensure communities remain connected, during the COVID-19 crisis.
In a first phase of analysis, the platform served to identify key insights from exceptional temporary regulatory measures taken during the “emergency” phase (April – September 2020).
With a new second survey to its members and other ICT stakeholders, ITU is now looking at the “recovery” phase to address: What next? Are these measures sustainable? How have regulatory frameworks evolved? What long-term policy and regulatory trends have been introduced for and by the different groups of stakeholders? What works and what doesn’t work?
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Explore your country's emergency measures
This interactive map allows access to current and reliable country-specific official information on ICT policy and regulatory initiatives submitted directly to ITU by the Policy and Regulatory community.
Latest Submissions
- ✨ NEW ✨ Pandemic in the internet age: From second wave to new normal, recovery, adaptation and resilience (ITU report)
- ✨ NEW ✨ Telecommunication industry in the post-COVID-19 world (Report of the 7th ITU Economic Experts Roundtable)
- ITU discussion paper: Last Mile Connectivity in the Context of COVID-19
- Joint-Statement :UN75 GGF Partnership Dialogue for Connectivity - Accelerating Digital Connectivity in the Wake of COVID-19
- ITU Report: Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Digital Infrastructure - Report of an Economic Experts Roundtable
- REG4COVID Analytics
- ITU Report: Pandemic in the Internet Age: communications industry responses. GSR Discussion Paper on ensuring connectivity and business continuity – key lessons learned
- ITU Report: First Overview of ICT Policy and Regulatory Key Initiatives in Response to COVID-19
- Summary of Telecommunication/ICT Sector responses to COVID-19
- Digital Cooperation during COVID-19 and beyond:
Webinar #1: Connectivity - Situation Assessment
Webinar #2: Connectivity: Best Practices: What Works, What Doesn't - ITU-R Response to COVID-19: M. Maniewicz Interview to ForumEurope: Spectrum, Connectivity and COVID-19