The Global Network Resiliency Platform (#REG4COVID) is a place where ICT regulators, policy makers and other interested stakeholders can share information, view what initiatives and measures have been introduced around the world designed to help ensure communities remain connected, during the COVID-19 crisis.

In a first phase of analysis, the platform served to identify key insights from exceptional temporary regulatory measures taken during the “emergency” phase (April – September 2020).

With a new second survey to its members and other ICT stakeholders, ITU is now looking at the “recovery” phase to address: What next? Are these measures sustainable? How have regulatory frameworks evolved? What long-term policy and regulatory trends have been introduced for and by the different groups of stakeholders? What works and what doesn’t work?

Join the conversation online

Explore your country's emergency measures

This interactive map allows access to current and reliable country-specific official information on ICT policy and regulatory initiatives submitted directly to ITU by the Policy and Regulatory community.

The power of digital technologies has come into sharp focus, as work and schooling progressively move into the home. Around the world, institutions and individuals are urgently seeking digital strategies that can help mitigate the catastrophic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals, communities, institutions, companies and the economy. In this unprecedented global ​emergency, we're reaching out to encourage you to share information about initiatives that regulators and operators are introducing in areas like:


Broadband availability AffordabilityAccessibility

Useful Resources


The ITU Guidelines for national emergency telecommunication plans (NETP)​

They are a critical tool to assist policy makers and national regulatory authorities to develop a clear, flexible and user-friendly NETP with a multi-stakeholder approach. The guidelines can also be used for developing tailored contingency plans related to epidemics and pandemics involving all national stakeholders. ​

The ITU Smart Villages Platform

used now to disseminate voice messages for COVID-19 in Niger. It is already operational and supported by all 4 operators.

Broadband Commission

-Agenda for Action: For Faster and Better Recovery -Community responses to COVID-19

AI for Good Webinar Series Episodes related to the COVID- 19 outbreak

Watch the episodes on COVID-19

COVID-19 ITU Response

ITU, as the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies, strong of its global and diverse membership, has called on​ the ICT community and others to rise to the challenge and show solidarity in the face of the pandemic's threat to humanity.

Digital Cooperation webinars

Under the theme "Digital Cooperation during COVID-19 and beyond", the ITU webinar series focuses on how to secure safe, stable, affordable and inclusive connectivity in this time of crisis and help identify possible solutions and common approaches and strategies from different nations and stakeholders.